A Kansas Country Garden: Third Week of February

What a difference a few days makes! The crocus blooms of last week are buried under over a foot of snow after back to back snowstorms. There is no evidence of  spring here today. The snow brought much needed and welcome moisture as well as outstanding beauty. Warm and cozy in my home, there was no reason to go anywhere.
And so I enjoyed the precious gift of time; time to read, time to catch up on household chores, time to prepare, time to be.
A covering of snow makes everything beautiful.

From her perch on top of the sofa, Kitty hopes for a little excitement when birds visit the feeder.

No one takes a seat on the bench today.

A juniper tree is loaded with snow.
The wood piles are almost buried.

Time to start sweet potato slips. A sweet potato from last year's garden is placed in a mason jar. Toothpicks keep the top out of the water. I have not tried this before, but am hoping for success.
Yes, I think there is enough wood to last through the snow storm.

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