There is an undercurrent of urgency. A freeze is final. The vegetable garden is pretty much done so I'm not concerned about that. Its the the houseplants that need to be moved inside that chaff at me. There are far too many of them and they have only grown and multiplied over the summer.
What should I bring in? What should I allow to die? Do I really want to spend them winter living in a jungle? Where, oh, where can I put them? These are decisions I don't want to make but can't be avoided. Transporting plants inside is a my least favorite chore and one I need to recruit muscled help for in hauling in the larger ones.
Each day the weather seems a little cooler. Mike starts a fire in the wood stove insert to take the chill out of the air. I know my outdoor plants are not happy, but I just can't deal with them. We are hosting a party on Friday evening and I have a couple of projects to complete this week; there's too much to do.
Time to go inside for winter. |
How much damage has occurred? It's hard to tell initially. As the temperature warms you can see how the plants withstood the cold.
Actually the damage is surprisingly minor. Because it was very wet and because most of the plant are close to the house under the eaves the plants appear to be just fine. I don't know whether to be happy or sad.
No more excuses! Its time to get them moved in. To prepare plant for indoor life, I used a concoction (recipe here) to protect and prevent insect infestation. I invited my son over for supper, found a few more places inside to tuck in more plants and soon the job was done without too much major clean up afterwards. Whew!
Dixon is doing her part in garden cleanup. |
Your photographs are so lovely! I really enjoy your website too.