The Adventure of Taming Kitty (Part 2)

When we last left Kitty (Part 1) she had just escaped from the laundry room where she was supposed to be adjusting to her new home. If you haven't already, you may wish to read part 1 before continuing.

In the morning the couple searched in vain in the laundry room. They looked throughout the house. Could she be under the sofa or bed? There were lots of hiding places in their house for a cat. When they realized that the door to the storage area in the basement had been left open, the hiding places increased exponentially. They didn't find the cat. 
Kitty has lots of friends. 

A Closer Look

Candytuft, iberis, up close and personal. This plant is about 6 inches high.
This tiny unnamed bulb is quite charming.

A Kansas Country Garden

April 2015

It might seem that not much is happening in the garden. Glancing from a window the garden is a blur of green with subtle splashes of color here and there. But let's take a closer look.
White tulips brighten the garden.

The Adventure of Getting Kitty (Part 1)

Once upon a time there was a couple who were at an impasse. It was not a particularly serious impasse, but it went on for some time. It was in regard to cats.

Comfort and Joy

Good Friday is the most solemn day on the Christian calendar. 

We remember and we grieve. 

I believe these blossoms are flowering plum.